Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Spoilerfor cekipiw:

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Spoilerfor cekipiw:

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Spoilerfor cekipiw:

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Spoilerfor cekipiw:

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Spoilerfor cekipiw:

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Spoilerfor cekipiw:

Spoilerfor cekipiw:

Spoilerfor cekipiw:

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Spoilerfor cekipiw:

Spoilerfor cekipiw:

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Custom Graffiti
Hi, My name is MindGem and I'm a professional graffiti artist.

I've been doing designs, fonts and apps for a long time and often get requested to do peoples names or logotypes in graffiti style 
so I started this service. 

What you'll get
I'll draw your design in Photoshop CS5 in 300dpi so it's 
very high quality, super sharp edges and in vivid colors. 

There are several files included in your package,
a print-ready jpg, a transparent png and the original psd file 
with separated layers for the design and the background.

Wether you want to print your design on a t-shirt, canvas or blow it up on your bedroom wall, the files you'll get is all you need to give to your local printer house. 
Copyright included! 
Color schemes
Ah colors, the beautiful spectrum of reflected light that flourish the world.
When you order a design from me you get to choose your favorite colors that will decorate your letters.
Click here for inspiration.

You can spice up your design with a cool looking character or a superimposed photo of yourself.
Just let me know what you have in mind and we'll discuss the options available.
Custom made character: $250 depending on complexity of your idea.
Any character I already have $25. 
Superimposed photo: $35
Check out a bunch of characters here 

Maybe characters isn't your thing. No worries, you can have a football, a house or a whole city if you like.
Gadget: $50-250 depending on complexity. Symbol implementation: $35.
Graffiti Characters
I saved the best for last. The price for this is $10 USD per letter!
So contact me and tell me about your ideas and I'll give you more info: mindgem@gmail.com

Custom Graffiti
Hi, My name is MindGem and I'm a professional graffiti artist.

I've been doing designs, fonts and apps for a long time and often get requested to do peoples names or logotypes in graffiti style 
so I started this service. 

What you'll get
I'll draw your design in Photoshop CS5 in 300dpi so it's 
very high quality, super sharp edges and in vivid colors. 

There are several files included in your package,
a print-ready jpg, a transparent png and the original psd file 
with separated layers for the design and the background.

Wether you want to print your design on a t-shirt, canvas or blow it up on your bedroom wall, the files you'll get is all you need to give to your local printer house. 
Copyright included! 
Color schemes
Ah colors, the beautiful spectrum of reflected light that flourish the world.
When you order a design from me you get to choose your favorite colors that will decorate your letters.
Click here for inspiration.

You can spice up your design with a cool looking character or a superimposed photo of yourself.
Just let me know what you have in mind and we'll discuss the options available.
Custom made character: $250 depending on complexity of your idea.
Any character I already have $25. 
Superimposed photo: $35
Check out a bunch of characters here 

Maybe characters isn't your thing. No worries, you can have a football, a house or a whole city if you like.
Gadget: $50-250 depending on complexity. Symbol implementation: $35.
Graffiti Characters
I saved the best for last. The price for this is $10 USD per letter!
So contact me and tell me about your ideas and I'll give you more info: mindgem@gmail.com


Modern Masters

Pablo  Picasso

Pablo  Picasso
(Spanish, 1881-1973)

View Collection


Marc  Chagall

Marc  Chagall
(Russia, Paris, 1887-1985)

View Collection


Joan  Miró

Joan  Miró
(Spanish, 1893-1983)

View Collection


Henri  Matisse

Henri  Matisse
(French, 0000-1954)

View Collection


Salvador  Dalí

Salvador  Dalí
(Spanish, 1904-1989)

View Collection


Wassily  Kandinsky

Wassily  Kandinsky
(Russia, 1866-1944)

View Collection


Here are a few of the interesting graffiti by Daim's from Flickr sets: 

3D - Graffiti (11) 1(Image credit: parsprototo).

3D - Graffiti (11) 2(Image: Credit).

3D - Graffiti (11) 3(Image: Credit).

3D - Graffiti (11) 4(Image: Credit).

Japanese 3D Graffiti: These beautiful 3D graffiti is the creation of Paramodel, an artist duo from Eastern Osaka formed by Yasuhiko Hayashi and Yusuke Nakano.

3D - Graffiti (11) 5
3D - Graffiti (11) 6A few more of these interesting graffiti created by various other artists.

3D - Graffiti (11) 7
3D - Graffiti (11) 8
3D - Graffiti (11) 9(Image credit: keusta).

3D - Graffiti (11) 10(Image credit: lunapark).
Munich, Germany.

3D - Graffiti (11) 11(Image: Credit).

Kamis, 15 November 2012


Cara Membuat Graffiti 3 dimensi

13 Votes

GRAFFITI SEDERHANA ON KANVASGraffiti banyak sekali jenisnya mulai dari abstrak, wildstyle, bubble, dan 3 dimensi. Dalam posting ini saya ingin member sedikit penjelasan bagaimana cara membuat graffiti 3 dimensi.
  1. Pertama-tama yang harus anda lakukan adalah membuat sketsa gambar di sebuah kertas.
  2. lalu anda mencari tembok kosong dan anda cat dasar putih agar warna pada pilox dapat menyatu pada tembok.
  3. setelah itu siapkan sketsa graffiti 3 dimensi yang telah anda buat.
  4. siapkan pilox yang telah anda persiapkan.
  5. apabila anda masih pemula dan ragu-ragu (masih takut) memegang pilox sebaiknya anda membuat sketsa di tembok tersebut menggunakan pensil terlebih dahulu, namun apabila sudah professional anda langsung saja menggunakan pilox namun sebaiknya jangan menggunakan pilox warna hitam terlebih dahulu.
  6. oh iya jangan lupa sebelum anda membuat sketsa di tembok sebaiknya anda siapkan MAL. Apa itu MAL? Mal adalah sebuah alat yang di gunakan untuk penggaris di tembok, Mal terbuat dari kertas/karton/triplek/Koran. Cara membuat MAL yaitu siapkan missal karton anda potong menjadi dua bagian terus anda lipat lurus. Dan ujungnya yang lurus itulah yang akan di gunakan sebagai penggaris pada tembok.
  7. setelah MAL siap dan anda sudah membuat sketsanya di tembok lalu anda mulai mewarnai sketsa yang anda buat di tembok tersebut. Agar graffiti 3 di mensinya timbul anda harus menyiapkan warna yang pas missal untuk bentuknya warna hijau muda kemudian shadownya harus warna hijau agak gelap agar warna yang di hasilkan menyatu.
  8. lalu mewarnai pada graffiti tersebut agar kelihatan rapi dan indah sebaiknya menggunakan MAL yang telah anda buat tadi.
  9. setelah itu hasil graffitinya sudah rapi tinggal anda beri blur hitam dan putih pada shadownya.
  10. kemudian anda akan menghasilkan graffiti berbentuk 3 dimensi.
  11. semoga berhasil dan sukses. Maju terus graffiti di Indonesia. “respect to art”.